SPCEA Announces Winners of 2022 Contributor of The Year Award

On November 10, 2022, SPCEA President Chris Domanski had the pleasure of announcing the winners of the SPCEA’s first annual “Contributor of The Year” award.  This award recognizes those who have shown continuing dedication to the cost engineering profession and who have made significant and sustained volunteer contributions to SPCEA.    There are two levels of this award:  one for individuals or teams and the other for companies.

The winner of the 2022 Individual Contributor of The Year award is Mr. Javier Masini, CVS, CPCE.    Javier is the Director of Manufacturing VM Services at Value Management Strategies, Inc.  He is a member of SPCEA and SAVE International.   Javier is recognized for playing a key role in facilitating the formal relationship between SAVE and SPCEA, as well as being a key contributor to the development of the CPCE video training course.   Javier is one of SPCEA’s first accredited CPCEs.

The winner of the 2022 Corporate Contributor of The Year award is the HCLTech Product Cost Management Center of Expertise.    HCLTech is a world-renowned technology company that helps enterprises reimagine their businesses for the digital age.  The Product Cost Management CoE is recognized for its many documented examples of collaboration with other organizations (including SPCEA) in the promotion of the cost engineering profession and they have many outstanding accomplishments within the field of Product Cost Engineering.   They exemplify how cost analysis provides decision support and influencing management’s vision, goals, and objectives.

Please join us in congratulating this year’s winners !!

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