15 Jul Automotive material uncertainty & Business Risk
PhD Thesis
Robert Ian Mills
Student number 149006958
University of Bath
Department of Mechanical Engineering
December 2018
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New product development has attracted a significant amount of academic attention, and
its application within the automotive sector is no exception. The research presented in
this thesis places its focus at the concept phase of the process and seeks to identify the
commercial uncertainties allowing them to be treated as business risks for mitigation
during the design phase of the new product development. Within this research, the
attention is on the uncertainties concealed within the tier 1 cost base, commercial
uncertainties, such as sales and product function are out of scope. The presented
research develops a hybrid methodology which builds upon existing cost estimating
tools and existing metadata to provide a structured identification of the uncertainties and
the scale of business risks to which new product developments are exposed. The hybrid
methodology is first applied to a simple example to present the fundamental notions and
then to the automotive domain to demonstrate its application. The results obtained
confirm that the hybrid methodology allows uncertainty, hitherto hidden during new
product development concept phase evaluation to be realized as potential business risks.
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